Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi all!
Unfortunately, it is difficult for me to switch from Atmel to MSP430FR5972 ...
I'm asking for help
I need to solve this problem:
1) The ADC should "round-robin" the multiplexer by 1--2-3-4 ...- 8 inputs and, bypassing the processor, immediately use direct memory access. Write values from each channel to separate memory locations. I need 12 bits.
How to program the ADC to this mode of operation?
How to make records bypassing the processor immediately in memory? that is: without calling "interruption" on the readiness of the data in the ADC, immediately write through the controller of direct access to the memory (DMA controller)? Is this possible?
Timers should be powered from an internal clock source, the processor clock speed = 8MHz.
2) The first timer is 16 bits, triggered by an interrupt "overflow".
in interrupt processing is my program. Triggering 150 times per second, while no external pins of the chip can not be touched.
3) Second timer 16 bits, triggered by interrupt "overflow".
in interrupt processing is my program. Trigger every 0.5 sec, but do not touch any external pins of the chip. Can I use the "real-time timer" (RTC) as a timer to work on the built-in clock generator (8MHz)?
4) The third timer is 16 bits, it does not cause any interruptions. Triggering 30000 times per second, It simply works from the minimum to the maximum of the values forming the PWM output (one pin of the chip). The values of the counter "Timer 3" I myself put out of my program "Timer 1", writing data directly to the counter "Timer 3.
5) to output information from my program, I will use HD44780 LCS, so I need to select the ports of the MCP430 so that I do not interfere with the operation of the ADC and Timers. (See above).
I have a test card for the "initial set" based on MSP430FR5969, I want to check it out first how this will work.
The examples I saw do not give me the opportunity to see the whole picture of the whole work. :(
I ask for your help with the initial configuration of the MCP430 for this my task.