Part Number:AM3358
I'm initializing i2c-1 of am3358 in PRU Core.
Where I'm able see Slave address on sda pin using DSO.
But i cannot receive ACK. Always return with NACK
While the same hardware works on different setup.
Here i've attached my code.
#include "main.h" #include "hw_types.h" #include "error.h" #include "delay.h" #include "hsi2c.h" #include "hw_hsi2c.h" #include "hw_cm_per.h" #define I2C0_BUS 0 #define I2C1_BUS 1 #define DELAY_MILLI_SEC 1 #define I2C_TIMEOUT 5 #define SUCCESS 1 #define FAIL 0 /** ************************************************************************** * clockInit * * brief * * This routine initializes the clock part for I2C on the Bases of BUS number * * Parameter busNum [IN] Bus Instance number * * Return * NA * */ void clockInit ( uint8_t busNum ) { #ifdef centarus HWREG(PINCNTL263) = I2C0_PIN_EN; HWREG(PINCNTL264) = I2C0_PIN_EN; /*Ensure the module is enabled and the clock to it is also enabled*/ HWREG(PRCM + CM_PER_I2C0_CLKCTRL) = CM_PER_I2C0_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE; DELAYMilliSeconds(I2C_TIMEOUT); /* Check the state is changed */ while (HWREG(CM_ALWON_I2C_0_CLKCTRL) & CM_PER_I2C2_CLKCTRL_IDLEST); DELAYMilliSeconds(DELAY_MILLI_SEC); *(uint32_t*)(PRCM + CM_PER_I2C1_CLKCTR) = CM_PER_I2C0_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE; DELAYMilliSeconds(I2C_TIMEOUT); /* Check the state is changed */ while ((*(uint32_t*) CM_ALWON_I2C_1_CLKCTRL) & CM_PER_I2C2_CLKCTRL_IDLEST); DELAYMilliSeconds(DELAY_MILLI_SEC); #else // switch (busNum) // { // case I2C0_BUS: /*Ensure the module is enabled and the clock to it is also enabled*/ HWREG(SOC_PRCM_REGS + CM_PER_I2C1_CLKCTRL) = CM_PER_I2C1_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE; // break; // case I2C1_BUS: /*Ensure the module is enabled and the clock to it is also enabled*/ HWREG(SOC_PRCM_REGS + CM_PER_I2C2_CLKCTRL) = CM_PER_I2C2_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE; // break; // } /* Wait till clock is inactive */ while(((HWREG(SOC_PRCM_REGS + CM_PER_L4LS_CLKSTCTRL)) & CM_PER_L4LS_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_I2C_FCLK) == CM_PER_L4LS_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_I2C_FCLK_INACT); #endif } /** ************************************************************************** * int16_t i2cInit() * brief Routine to initialize the I2C * * This routine initializes the I2C instance as per given bus number.No use of * interrupts here as the code is intended to carry out all I/O operations * in polled mode. * * Parameter busNum [IN] Bus Instance number * * Return * return SUCCESS for success - Description * return FAIL for error - Description */ int16_t I2CInit ( uint8_t busNum ) { int16_t retVal = SUCCESS; uint16_t sclValues = 0; uint32_t baseI2c = 0; uint8_t flag=0; uint16_t delayCnt = 1000; switch (busNum) { case I2C0_BUS: baseI2c = SOC_I2C_0_REGS; break; case I2C1_BUS: baseI2c = SOC_I2C_1_REGS; break; default: retVal = E_INVALID_PARAM; return retVal; } if (SUCCESS == retVal) { #ifdef centarus ; #else /* Setting PINMUX Required for I2C*/ // pinmuxSetting(busNum); #endif /*Setting Clock as Required for I2C to Work*/ clockInit(busNum); /* Reset all the registers */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON) = 0; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_PSC) = 0; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SCLL) = 0; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SCLH) = 0; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_BUF) = 0; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SYSC) = 0; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_WE) = 0; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) = 0; delay_ms(1); /* soft-reset the I2c Controller */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SYSC) = I2C_SYSC_SRST; /* I2C requires to be enabled for reset to complete */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON) = I2C_CON_I2C_EN; /* wait for reset */ while (I2C_SYSC_SRST_RESET != flag) { flag = ( HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SYSC) & I2C_SYSC_SRST_RESET) ; delayCnt--; delay_ms(1); if (delayCnt <= 0) break; } if (delayCnt == 0) { retVal = FAIL; return(retVal); } delay_ms(I2C_TIMEOUT); /* Wake Up*/ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SYSC) = I2C_SYSC_ENAWAKEUP; // |I2C_SYSC_AUTOIDLE // /*NO IDLE MODE*/ // | (I2C_SYSC_IDLEMODE_SMARTIDLE << I2C_SYSC_IDLEMODE_SHIFT); // /*CLOCK ACTIVITY IN FUNCTIONAL MODE*/ // | (I2C_SYSC_CLKACTIVITY_FUNC << I2C_SYSC_CLKACTIVITY_SHIFT); /* Disable the controller */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON) = 0; /* compute the PSC value */ // if (HSI2C_BUS_CLOCK > I2C_TIMEOUT) // { /* I2C PRESCALE settings. */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_PSC) = 0xb;//HSI2C_PRESCALE_DIV1; // sclValues = HSI2C_INTERNAL_CLOCK1 / HSI2C_BUS_CLOCK; // } // else // { // /* I2C PRESCALE settings. */ // HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_PSC) = HSI2C_PRESCALE_DIV2; // sclValues = HSI2C_INTERNAL_CLOCK2 / HSI2C_BUS_CLOCK; // } /* Disable & clear all the Interrupts */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQENABLE_CLR) = 0xFFFFFFFF;//HSI2C_IRQDISABLE_ALL; /* set the SCL Low and High time */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SCLL) = 0xd; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SCLH) = 0xf; // HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SCLL) = sclValues - HI2C_SCLL_VAL; // HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SCLH) = sclValues - HI2C_SCLH_VAL; /* Set the self address */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_OA) = 0;//I2C_OA_OA & OWN_ADD; /* Enable the I2C controller */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON) = I2C_CON_I2C_EN; /* set the slave address */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SA) = (int16_t) NULL;; /* Set data count */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CNT) = (int16_t) NULL; HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_WE) = I2C_WE_AL | I2C_WE_NACK | I2C_WE_ARDY | I2C_WE_DRDY ; } return (retVal); } void DELAYSeconds(int sec) { int k=0; for(k=0;k<2000;k++){} } typedef enum { I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS=0, I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST, I2C_NACK_RECEIVED, I2C_ACCESS_ERROR, I2C_BUS_BUSY, I2C_RECEIVE_OVERRUN, I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR, I2C_INVALID_PARAM, I2C_AAS_SLAVE_ADDR, I2C_INVALID_ERROR }I2C_ERROR_CODE_Type; uint32_t I2C_GetBaseAddress(uint8_t busNum) { uint32_t baseI2c=0; switch (busNum) { case I2C0_BUS: baseI2c = SOC_I2C_0_REGS; break; case I2C1_BUS: baseI2c = SOC_I2C_1_REGS; break; default: return I2C_INVALID_PARAM; } return baseI2c; } I2C_ERROR_CODE_Type I2C_ErrorHandling(uint32_t baseAddress) { uint32_t status=0; status = HWREG(baseAddress + I2C_IRQSTATUS); if (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AL_LOST == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AL)) { HWREG(baseAddress + I2C_IRQSTATUS) |= I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AL; return I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST; } if (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AERR == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AERR)) { HWREG(baseAddress + I2C_IRQSTATUS) |= I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AERR; return I2C_ACCESS_ERROR; } if (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK)) { HWREG(baseAddress + I2C_IRQSTATUS) |= I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK; return I2C_NACK_RECEIVED; } if(I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_ROVR == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_ROVR)) { HWREG(baseAddress + I2C_IRQSTATUS) |= I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_ROVR; return I2C_RECEIVE_OVERRUN; } if(I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AAS == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AAS)) { HWREG(baseAddress + I2C_IRQSTATUS) |= I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AAS; // return I2C_AAS_SLAVE_ADDR; } return I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS; } /** ************************************************************************** * \n \brief Routine to read data from slave device the I2C - 0 * * This routine initializes the I2C controller for reading from the slave * peripheral connected to the bus. This function takes the slave address * as a parameter along with the read buffer pointer and the length of buffer. * This function returns the number of bytes read into the output length pointer. * * busNum [IN] I2C Bus number * slaveAddr [IN] I2C Slave address to read from * buffer [OUT] Buffer pointer to copy data into * bufLen [IN] Length of the input buffer pointer * pDataRead [OUT] Place holder to return read number of bytes * * \return * \n return SUCCESS for success - Description * \n return FAIL for error - Description */ I2C_ERROR_CODE_Type I2CRead ( uint8_t busNum, uint16_t slaveAddr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t bufLen, uint8_t *pDataRead ) { I2C_ERROR_CODE_Type retVal = I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS; uint16_t status = 0; uint8_t bytesRead = 0; uint8_t* pDataPtr = NULL; /*Pointer to save received data*/ uint32_t timeOut = I2C_TIMEOUT; uint32_t baseI2c = 0; /* input parameter validation */ if ((NULL != buffer) && (0 != bufLen) && (NULL != pDataRead)){ pDataPtr = buffer; }else{ return I2C_INVALID_PARAM; } baseI2c = I2C_GetBaseAddress(busNum); if(baseI2c == I2C_INVALID_PARAM) return I2C_INVALID_PARAM; /* set the slave address */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SA) = slaveAddr & I2C_SA_SA; /* set the count */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CNT) = bufLen; /* Poll for the bus to become free/idle */ for (timeOut = 0; timeOut < I2C_TIMEOUT; timeOut++) { if (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_BB_FREE == (HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_BB)) break; } if (timeOut == I2C_TIMEOUT) return I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR; /* configure the I2C bus as master for receiving mode */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON) = I2C_CON_I2C_EN | I2C_CON_MST | I2C_CON_TRX_RCV | I2C_CON_STP | I2C_CON_STT; /* in THIS loop till we have TO read all the data or we have timed-out, * read the data from I2C data register and return */ for (timeOut = 0; timeOut < I2C_TIMEOUT; timeOut++) { status = HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS); /* Check for NACK*/ if (0 == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK)) { /* ACK received. Now check for data ready */ if (0 == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_ARDY)) { /* check for RRDY for data availability */ if (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_RRDY == (status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_RRDY )) { /* check if we have buffer space available */ if (bytesRead < bufLen) { /* data is available. Read it now and ACK */ *pDataPtr++ = (HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_DATA)) & I2C_DATA_DATA; bytesRead++; } /* clear the RRDY bits */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) = I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_RRDY; } } retVal = I2C_ErrorHandling(baseI2c); if(retVal != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) return retVal; delay_ms(10); } else { /* clear the NACK bits */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) = (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK_CLEAR << I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK_SHIFT); return I2C_NACK_RECEIVED; } } /* before returning, update the return counts too */ if (NULL != pDataRead) *pDataRead = bytesRead; return I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS; } /** ************************************************************************** * \n \brief Routine to write data from slave device the I2C - 0 * * This routine initializes the I2C controller for writing to the slave * peripheral connected to the bus. This function takes the slave address * as a parameter along with the write buffer pointer and the length of buffer. * This function returns the number of bytes written into the output length pointer. * * busNum [IN] I2C Bus number * slaveAddr [IN] I2C Slave address to read from * buffer [OUT] Buffer pointer to copy data into * bufLen [IN] Length of the input buffer pointer * pDataRead [OUT] Place holder to return read number of bytes * * Return * return SUCCESS for success - Description * return FAIL for error - Description */ I2C_ERROR_CODE_Type I2CWrite ( uint8_t busNum, uint16_t slaveAddr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t bufLen, uint8_t *dataWritten ) { I2C_ERROR_CODE_Type retVal = I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS; uint16_t status = 0; uint8_t bytesWritten = 0; uint32_t timeOut = I2C_TIMEOUT; uint32_t baseI2c = 0; if ((NULL == buffer) || (0 == bufLen) || (NULL == dataWritten )) { return I2C_INVALID_PARAM; } /* Assign the I2C register base */ baseI2c = I2C_GetBaseAddress(busNum); if(baseI2c == I2C_INVALID_PARAM) return I2C_INVALID_PARAM; /* just to ensure the previous transactions flags are cleared */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS ) = I2C_CNT_DCOUNT; delay_ms(1); /* set the slave address */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SA) = (slaveAddr << 1) & I2C_SA_SA; delay_ms(1); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Slave Addr:0x%x",HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_SA)); /* set the count */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CNT) = bufLen; delay_ms(1); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Buffer Length:0x%x",HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CNT)); /* Poll for the bus to become free/idle */ for (timeOut = 0; timeOut < I2C_TIMEOUT; timeOut++) { if (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_BB_FREE == (HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_BB)) break; } /*********/ if (timeOut == I2C_TIMEOUT) return I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR; /* configure the I2C bus as master for receiving mode */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON) = I2C_CON_I2C_EN | I2C_CON_MST | I2C_CON_TRX_TRX | I2C_CON_STP; // delay_ms(1); // ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C Control:0x%x",HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON)); /* Loop till we have written all the data or we have timed-out */ // for (timeOut = 0; timeOut < I2C_TIMEOUT; timeOut++) // { HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON) |= I2C_CON_STT; // __delay_cycles(5000); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n CON:0x%x",HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_CON)); // __delay_cycles(5000); while(1) { timeOut++; if(timeOut == I2C_TIMEOUT) return I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR; /* clear the AL bits */ // HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) = I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_AL_CLEAR; status = HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS); // __delay_cycles(5000); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n RAW Status:0x%x",HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW)); // __delay_cycles(5000); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Status:0x%x",status); /* Check for NACK*/ if(!(status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK)) { /* ACK received. Now check for data ready */ if(!(status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_ARDY)) { /* check for XRDY for data availability */ if(status & I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_XRDY) { ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Update Data."); /* check if we have buffer space available */ if(bytesWritten < bufLen) { /* Write the data and ACK */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_DATA) = (*buffer++ & I2C_DATA_DATA); delay_ms(1); bytesWritten++; } /* check if we have buffer space available */ /* clear the XRDY bits */ HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) = (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_XRDY_CLEAR << I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_XRDY_SHIFT); delay_ms(1); } else { /* loop through to make another attempt */ ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n XRDY Not Available|:0x%x",status); // retVal = I2C_ErrorHandling(baseI2c); if(retVal != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) return I2C_INVALID_ERROR; } } else { ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Register Access Not Available:0x%x",status); } if (bytesWritten == bufLen) delay_ms(I2C_TIMEOUT); retVal = I2C_ErrorHandling(baseI2c); if(retVal != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) return retVal; } else { // retVal = FAIL; ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Received NACK"); retVal = I2C_ErrorHandling(baseI2c); if(retVal != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) return retVal; // /* clear the NACK bits */ // HWREG(baseI2c + I2C_IRQSTATUS) = (I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK_CLEAR << I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW_NACK_SHIFT); // return I2C_NACK_RECEIVED; } } /* before returning, update the return counts too */ if (NULL != dataWritten){ *dataWritten = bytesWritten; ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Data Written:%d,%d",*dataWritten,bytesWritten); } return I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS; } #define I2C_READ 0x21 #define I2C_WRITE 0x21 #define REG_BIT_MASK (0x1F) #define REG_IDX_SHIFT (0x05) void init_i2c1(void) { // Need to Enable Clock & I2C Peripheral I2CInit(I2C1_BUS); HWREG(SOC_I2C_1_REGS + I2C_IRQENABLE_SET) = I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_AL_IE | I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_NACK_IE | I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_ROVR | I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_RRDY_IE | I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_ARDY_IE | I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_XRDY_IE | I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_XDR_IE | I2C_IRQENABLE_SET_RDR_IE; __delay_cycles(5000); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Interrupt Set:0x%x",HWREG(SOC_I2C_1_REGS + I2C_IRQENABLE_SET)); } void read_productid(void) { uint8_t product_command1[2] = {0x36,0x7C}; uint8_t soft_reset_cmd[2] = {0x00,0x06}; uint8_t product_command2[2] = {0xE1,0x02}; uint8_t return_product_id[20]; uint8_t read_bytes=0,write_bytes=0; int16_t i; I2C_ERROR_CODE_Type errorCode; memset(return_product_id,0x00,sizeof return_product_id); errorCode = I2CWrite(I2C1_BUS,I2C_WRITE,soft_reset_cmd,2,&write_bytes); if(errorCode != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Error writing data ,bytes:%d | error:%d",write_bytes,errorCode); else { ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Writing Command Code 1."); errorCode = I2CWrite(I2C1_BUS,I2C_WRITE,product_command1,2,&write_bytes); if(errorCode != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Error writing data ,bytes:%d | error:%d",write_bytes,errorCode); else { delay_ms(2); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Writing Command Code 2. ,Bytes:%d",write_bytes); errorCode = I2CWrite(I2C1_BUS,I2C_WRITE,product_command2,2,&write_bytes); if(errorCode != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Error writing data ,bytes:%d | error:%d",write_bytes,errorCode); else { delay_ms(2); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Reading Product Data. ,Bytes:%d",write_bytes); errorCode = I2CRead(I2C1_BUS,I2C_READ,return_product_id,18,&read_bytes); if(errorCode != I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS) ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Error Reading data ,bytes:%d | error:%d",read_bytes,errorCode); else { ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Reading Successful. ,Bytes:%d",read_bytes); } } } if(errorCode == I2C_TRANSFER_SUCCESS){ // Print Product Id ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n Product Id."); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\nBYTE[%d]:0x%02x",i,return_product_id[i]); } } } } void read_i2c_register(uint8_t i2cBus) { uint32_t i2cAddr=0,clkAddr=0; if(i2cBus == 0) { i2cAddr = SOC_I2C_0_REGS; clkAddr = CM_PER_I2C1_CLKCTRL; } else { i2cAddr = SOC_I2C_1_REGS; clkAddr = CM_PER_I2C2_CLKCTRL; } ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n*****************************************************"); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n************* I2C Bus: %d at 0x%x **************",i2cBus,i2cAddr); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n*****************************************************"); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n CM_PER_I2C_CLKCTRL[0x%x]:0x%x",clkAddr,HWREG(SOC_PRCM_REGS + clkAddr)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_REVNB_LO:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_REVNB_LO)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_REVNB_HI:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_REVNB_HI)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_SYSC:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_SYSC)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_EOI:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_EOI)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_IRQSTATUS_RAW)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_IRQSTATUS:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_IRQSTATUS)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_IRQENABLE_SET:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_IRQENABLE_SET)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_IRQENABLE_CLR:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_IRQENABLE_CLR)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_WE:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_WE)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_DMARXENABLE_SET:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_DMARXENABLE_SET)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_DMATXENABLE_SET:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_DMATXENABLE_SET)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_DMARXENABLE_CLR:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_DMARXENABLE_CLR)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_DMATXENABLE_CLR:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_DMATXENABLE_CLR)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_DMARXWAKE_EN:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_DMARXWAKE_EN)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_DMATXWAKE_EN:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_DMATXWAKE_EN)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_SYSS:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_SYSS)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_BUF:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_BUF)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_CNT:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_CNT)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_DATA:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_DATA)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_CON:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_CON)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_OA:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_OA)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_SA:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_SA)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_PSC:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_PSC)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_SCLL:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_SCLL)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_SCLH:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_SCLH)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_SYSTEST:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_SYSTEST)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_BUFSTAT:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_BUFSTAT)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_ACTOA:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_ACTOA)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n I2C_SBLOCK:0x%x",HWREG(i2cAddr + I2C_SBLOCK)); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n*****************************************************"); }