Part Number:TDA2EG
I am studying how to calibrate the 2D Surround View.
According to the "VisionSDK_UserGuide_2D_SurroundView_Demo.pdf":
1 first, i should use the fisheye distortion center tool to get the center position of 4 input frame;
2 then, i should use the calibration tool to get the initial perspective matrices;
3 But, how about GAlignLUT table? Except for contact FAE, is there any other ways that i can update the GAlignLUT table by myself?
By the way, could you explain more about the information of GAlignLUT table?
for example, distortion centers describe the 4 input frame's distortion centers from vertical to horizontal one by one; and initial perspective matrices describe 4 camera's matrix (3*3) one by one.
So what the physical description of GAlignLUT table' information? It is a real huge array...