Part Number:DLP2000
Tool/software: Linux
Hello, I am using the DLP2000 with a BeagleBone Black running Debian 9.3 2018-01-28 4GB SD LXQT. I am new to Linux and BeagleBone and I am having an issue with configuring GPIO ports when the DLP2000 is connected. If I don't have it connected I can use GPIO 10 as an input but when I have the projector connected to the BBB I am unable to use any port as an input and instead receive the error message "ValueError: Set gpio mode failed, missing file or invalid permissions." I am able to set GPIO 10 as output in both cases.
The code I am using is the following:
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setup("P8_10", GPIO.IN) old_switch_state = 0 while True: new_switch_state = GPIO.input("P8_10") if new_switch_state == 1 and old_switch_state == 0 : print('Do not press this button again!') time.sleep(0.1) old_switch_state = new_switch_state