Part Number:CC2640R2F
I have modified project zero and the BLE + Sensor BoosterPack tutorial to create a packet handshake program.
I have one service initialized by project zero init. The service has the following characteristics:
VoltagePacket (20 bytes) read only &
HexLogic (1 byte) write with response
I will post the while(1) loop where a packet load variable is modified and then passed into the VoltagePacket loop. EventPend waits for EventPost and then should run.
I know that event post is killing the connection. I moved eventpost to the buffervoltage_readattr and the buffervoltage_writeattr. When I moved it the writeattr, the connection was killed when I tried writing into a characteristic. When it was in readattr, the connection was broken whenever I tried to initiate a read.
P.S. I am reading the data from my IOS device.