Part Number:TDA2EX17EVM
Hello Everyone,
I am working with TDA2ex and trying to assign IPv6 address to it and develop UDP client on it to communicate with IPV6 UDP server.
I have made changes as suggested in this post and i am able to get local link address and i can ping it from my PC. Now when i go to create IPv6 UDP
socket i can create it but when i call sendto function it returns -1 and i came to know its because of errno 22 which is invalid argument.
I have verified sin6_family , sin6_port and sin6_addr have correct values of server.
I have referred UDPEchoIPV6 example in TI RTOS package and i came to know for sendto function we are passing sockaddr_storage structure and not sockaddr_in6
that's why i made relavant changes in my application but still it returns 22.
What could be the wrong arguments , i have following queries :
1) With local link address , do i need to initialize scope_id member of sockaddr_in6 for sendto function ?
2) I referred UDPEchoIPV6 example code but it is for UDP IPV6 server , do we have any sample code UDP IPv6 client ?
Thanks for any suggestions.