Hi TI,
I am working on a DM8148 Custom Board ,i am using latest EZSDK 5_05_02 . We have integrated drivers for custom video decoders in the hdvpss source in the EZSDK 5_05_01_04 . Now i am trying to migrate to hdvpss source in the latest EZSDK 5_05_02 . I have done the integration of the drivers for the video decoders in the latest hdvpss source . Using the latest hdvpss fimware when i ran the OMX app ,I see my app hangs at capture control ( TVP ) state execute and the logdump shows the below error .
N:VPSS P:2 #:01997 T:000000023dc38f7b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Starting Video Decoder Capture Driver
N:VPSS P:2 #:01998 T:000000023dc4aa95 M:xdc.runtime.Main S: CAPTUREAPP: Detect video in progress for inst 0 !!!
N:VPSS P:2 #:01999 T:000000023dc9f197 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:FATAL ERROR: ErrorCode:0x1. Unhandled Exception:
N:VPSS P:2 #:02000 T:000000023dca7495 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task
N:VPSS P:2 #:02001 T:000000023dcadd59 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:handle: 0x9f1ff6a0.
N:VPSS P:2 #:02002 T:000000023dcb40d5 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:stack base: 0x9f1fce98.
N:VPSS P:2 #:02003 T:000000023dcba653 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:stack size: 0x2800.
N:VPSS P:2 #:02004 T:000000023dcc086d M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R0 = 0x9f1a85f0 R8 = 0xffffffff
N:VPSS P:2 #:02005 T:000000023dcc7b15 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R1 = 0x10060003 R9 = 0xffffffff
N:VPSS P:2 #:02006 T:000000023dccea1f M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R2 = 0x9f1ff4e4 R10 = 0xffffffff
N:VPSS P:2 #:02007 T:000000023dcd5c83 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R3 = 0x9f1ff4e8 R11 = 0xffffffff
N:VPSS P:2 #:02008 T:000000023dcdcd7b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R4 = 0x013b0bf6 R12 = 0x00000018
N:VPSS P:2 #:02009 T:000000023dce3f91 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R5 = 0xffffffff SP(R13) = 0x9f1ff298
N:VPSS P:2 #:02010 T:000000023dceb2cf M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R6 = 0xffffffff LR(R14) = 0x9f684211
N:VPSS P:2 #:02011 T:000000023dcf27d3 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:R7 = 0xffffffff PC(R15) = 0x013b0bf6
N:VPSS P:2 #:02012 T:000000023dcf9b6d M:xdc.runtime.Main S:PSR = 0xa0000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:02013 T:000000023dcffd95 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:ICSR = 0x0440f803
N:VPSS P:2 #:02014 T:000000023dd05ee9 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:MMFSR = 0x00
N:VPSS P:2 #:02015 T:000000023dd0baa3 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:BFSR = 0x01
N:VPSS P:2 #:02016 T:000000023dd113b9 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:UFSR = 0x0000
N:VPSS P:2 #:02017 T:000000023dd172cf M:xdc.runtime.Main S:HFSR = 0x40000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:02018 T:000000023dd1d295 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:DFSR = 0x00000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:02019 T:000000023dd233c9 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:MMAR = 0xe000ed34
N:VPSS P:2 #:02020 T:000000023dd293ed M:xdc.runtime.Main S:BFAR = 0xe000ed38
N:VPSS P:2 #:02021 T:000000023dd2f5f5 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:AFSR = 0x00000000
N:VPSS P:2 #:02022 T:000000023dd3544f M:xdc.runtime.Main S:FATAL ERROR: ErrorCode:0x1. Terminating Execution...
Can anyone from TI help me out in interpreting the above error ? any help is appreciated .
N Sivaramkrishna .
Mistral Solutions Pvt Ltd .